There is so much to see and live in Porto that it will hardly be possible to enjoy the true
soul of the city in just 3 or 4 days. If you can’t make your stay longer, then start to
schedule your next trip to Porto so you can check all that remains to see and do from
your list.
Today we’ll just give you a few ideas of what you can enjoy while you’re here. The rest
we will let you find out on your own. Let yourself get lost in the streets and alleys of
this city and let it give you its true soul.

Let’s start with one of the most typical arrival and departure points of the city: São
Bento station. With more than 100 years of history and billions of passengers boarding
from the trains that arrive every other minute, São Bento Station is considered one of
the most beautiful in the world for its architecture and for the History of Portugal that
lives on the walls painted in tiles. It’s super worth to make a visit to contemplate all its
essence and, who knows, take the next train towards your newest adventure.

Just outside the station you can visit the incredible Avenida dos Aliados, where you can
still admire some of the most iconic and fantastic architectural buildings with art-deco
influences and which are worthwhile of a neck pain from looking up, since it is
impossible to find all the details carved in stone in a short time. At the top stays the
City Hall.

Another must see (and, in fact, must live) of the city is the Bolhão Market. Currently in
completion of requalification works, it is possible to visit the temporary market that,
despite not having the uniqueness of the original, still has a characteristic that makes
all the difference: the people that work there. Honest, humble and resilient people,
who always have a compliment to offer or a word to say.

If you want to live the true “Belle Époque” experience and be where renowned
Portuguese artists of the twentieth century have been, then be sure to visit the
Majestic Café, in the middle of Rua de Santa Catarina. It was there, during the
beginning of the last century, that illustrious names of culture, art, theater, among

others, discussed and debated the state of the country, had fun in moments of leisure
or were inspired to write the most beautiful texts. It is worth a visit and a stop for a

Closer to Ribeira, is the unbelievable Palácio da Bolsa whose construction began in 1842.

Nowadays, there are several rooms you can visit, such as the Library, the
Telegraph Room, the Golden Room, the President’s Room, among others. However,
there is one that shines a little brighter and leaves everyone in love by its unique
magnificence and beauty, the Arab Hall, considered the jewel of the palace and whose
construction took place when the celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the death of
the Portuguese poet Luís de Camões occurred.
This room, nowadays, is used as an official act room of the city of Porto and is still
requested for concerts and other solemnities. Who knows if, on the day of your visit,
there won’t be a show going on?

Last, but not least, it should be noted that one of the good characteristics of Porto is its
pedestrian side: you can go everywhere on foot and without, practically, any difficulty.
But what if on one of these days instead of walking around, you get on board the
Electric Car and make the route from downtown to Foz Velha? Not only will you feel
that you have gone back in time and see, calmly, some streets of the city, but you will
still be able to have the opportunity to catch a much used means of transportation of
the city, that continues to have its most special charm.

Whatever plan you come up with when you come to Porto, whatever path you want to
take, whether you’re alone or with someone, get to know that there is much more to
see and live beyond this handful of ideas.
The important thing is that you let your will and instinct speak louder in a city where
the limit is what you want to make of it.